The arboretum at NC State is a beautiful place. I walked slowly down the paths, and laid in the sun. On that walk I saw red and orange leaves, and bright white flowers. I felt gratitude, and grief. I felt God's presence. I felt the beating of my own heart.
Being a social work student is emotionally intense. I knew that there were many injustices in our society and world, but to actually look at them up close, to see how much work we need to do... it's overwhelming.
I am excited about being a social worker because the social work community as a whole strives towards social justice. I am committing myself to a greater cause. But social justice is so big. It's such a responsibility. What a rich wealth of knowledge there is to learn. The truth is eye-opening, and heart-breaking.
I teach a free yoga class for social work students. The ironic thing is, that day I teach is one of the only days I actually do yoga. It used to be a daily part of my routine, but lately I just haven't made it a priority. And, my couch is really comfy.
It's a lot to balance. Self-care looks like different things on different days. And sometimes the thing we need is not necessarily the thing we want.
I've never been a very disciplined person when it comes to taking care of myself - I'd rather take care of someone else. Perhaps this is a common trait in social workers? We must strive to make self-care a priority in our lives. It will only make us better at what we do, and more effective in teaching self-care to others.
At the end of every yoga class I say, "thank you for taking care of yourself. This serves not only you, but everyone in your life."
Do you have a body? Don't sit on the porch!
Go out and walk in the rain!
If you are in love, then why are you asleep?
Wake up, wake up!
You have slept millions and millions of years.
Why not wake up this morning?
Jenna, this post is beautifully written and just what I needed to read as the semester comes to an end. Thank you!