Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Today I have been waiting for it to storm. All day, an 80% chance of rain, high winds, hail. I continue to wait, watching the clouds for lightning.
We create our own metaphors sometimes.

Chris and I are moving to Suchitoto, El Salvador! We go to an orientation for the
Brethren Volunteer Service in June, spend time with family the month of July, then off to Guatemala for another orientation of sorts, then to El Salvador.

Adulthood is stranger, and more interesting than I ever could have imagined.

We will be volunteering at Centro Arte Para la Paz, a nonprofit whose mission is to develop and promote a culture of peace through the arts, creativity, imagination and cultural exchange. The organization looks to be full of life and new opportunities.

Do we know Spanish? Mas o menos. This is the most scary thing of all - going to a place where we will not be able to communicate. Not only will we not know the language, we will not know the culture, either! It will be humbling.

We will learn.

We are currently in the process of packing. When you're moving, it's easy to feel like your whole life is in chaos. I have to find other ways of grounding myself, like eating favorite foods or watching an episode of "Lost (I still haven't finished it - don't tell me what happens!) We are getting rid of almost everything. I have things I've been keeping since high school. I'm not sure why, but I am glad for the chance to clean out some of the junk from my life.

Finally the rain is coming down. Loud and comforting, reminding us to breathe and rest. Like the plants and trees, we all need to be watered, sometimes.