Sunday, February 22, 2015

De "Ser" Treinta

I am now 30 and 1 week old. Turning 30 has allowed me to reflect on my 20's and all the things I've done and places I've been and who I am... Let me just say, it's been amazing and I have no regrets!! I want to keep every person I meet. They inspire me, and make me laugh and...people are just awesome.

So, here I am at 30 having had all these experiences, lived in two different countries and 3 different places in the United States, had meaningful jobs and a full resume. I am so grateful, and I also hope that my 30's will be a different sort of story. Why?

Moving around so much has been tiring. My community is spread out all over the place, as is my heart. I have friends! But I'm still working on figuring out my Capital F friends. It takes time, energy and caring. While having 100 (or 3,000 FB BFF's) is great, real relationships are so much richer. I am so excited to be closer (physically and emotionally) to our amazing families... I know North Carolina is where we should be, where we belong now.

So, this is a rebuilding year. Since returning from El Salvador I've found myself lazy and unsure of what to do next. I'm trying to embrace that. Here is my somewhat cliche, unsolicited life lessons, from my 30 years of life-so-far::

You don't have the answers. You never will. Stop trying to "solve life" and just live it!! Your career path is important, but perhaps it matters more to you than those you'll be "helping". Love the people who love you and don't waste energy on people who take your energy away. If you get invited to something, go do it! Say yes. Yes to this moment. Yes to opportunity. 

Be grateful you have such privilege, because many are in need. Be humble, because you are only human. Remember that white girls don't change the world, but individuals can help empower one another. If something makes you uncomfortable, it's probably good for you. 

Do some kind of movement every day. Know that pain is part of life, but you've got to love your body, despite it's imperfections - it's the only body you've got. Follow your instincts. If you like learning about something, keep learning about it and don't stop. Laugh hard. Eat good food. Exercise instead of "diet". 

Don't listen to every story your mind creates. Nurture the positive. Sing your song, stand up for what you want and what you believe in. Accept the love of others and give love in return. Take a deep breath and remember - it's only life, after all (yeah).

"Looking behind I am filled with gratitude. Looking forward I am filled with vision. Looking upwards I am filled with strength. Looking within I discover peace." -Quero Apache Prayer