Saturday, September 8, 2012


I can feel myself growing. Growing bright green leaves, reaching for the sun.

This past week has been full of altibajos (ups and downs). At times I think, "what am I doing here?" I am a stranger in this town, my Spanish is not good, the kids didn't sign up for my classes, what will I do with my free time... and so on. Other times I think, "what a wonderful place this is". I enjoy my conversations in Spanish where I am able to get my point across, and understand theirs. I enjoy my late afternoon coffee, my walk back home, the beautiful lake in the valley below.

The fact is this: we can't just show up in a community we don't know, teach exactly what we want, and expect people to participate.

So, we wait. We listen. We build relationships.

During our orientation I read a wonderful article that continues to help me in this journey. It is called "Staying for Tea", by a man who has many years of experience volunteering and organizing throughout Central America. He talks about the word "accompaniment", or "being with". He talks about asking directly what the community wants, and working alongside them.

This week no one came to my music and singing class, or to my photography class, or to my songwriting class. So, perhaps it is not a need or want of the children in this community. Or, perhaps putting up a sign is not enough.

Today I had the pleasure of "accompanying" the new choir at the arts center. The director from San Salvador was disorganized and without sheet music, I ended up leading some of the class with the few Spanish songs I know.

Afterwards I stood around with the kids and talked with them. They are all from nearby communities, and I imagine live with very little.

One young woman is 17 years old, and has a wonderful warmth about her. She told me she loves to learn, and seeks out music, dance and theater wherever she can. "This place (the arts center) is an opportunity," she told me. She hopes to go to university to study chemistry, but she does not know if she can get a scholarship. "If not, I will work," she said.

These are the things I have taken for granted. These are the people I will come to know and accompany.

"To get it right, we must be willing to see Christ in all humanity, to see the spark of the divine in the creation that was made in God's image."

-Aaron Ausland

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is a breath of fresh air after a frustrating day. Thank you, dear. And thank you for these thoughts about accompaniment and solidarity ... it's always good for me to re-reflect about why I'm here, and why I've been here for so long.
