Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Love Song for New York

My dad always says that you don't learn from experience, you learn from reflection on experience. Sometimes that reflection happens the day after the experience. Sometimes it happens many years after.

That is the amazing thing about our learning. It never ceases.

At the beginning of July I drove from Chicago to New York alone. My husband and parents weren't sure it was the best idea, but I felt I needed to do it. To spend time with myself, to enjoy the journey.

Needless to say I talked on the phone much more than I needed to. I got lonely, I laughed at myself. I listened to old CD's from the 90's, and pretended to listen to Spanish in Your Car. Was it what I hoped? Probably not. It was a fun trip, nonetheless.

Kendall lives in New York. I love spending time with her and her love of life. She is one of the only people I have really stayed connected with from my high school (sorry, high school friends, let's get together!) This is surprising since she and I bonded after high school, at age 21, in Italy.

You see a long time ago an Irish boy "broke my heart". I still had a plane ticket to Milan, and time to spend in Europe. It just so happened that Kendall had been living in Italy that summer, planning to travel by herself for the month of August (I don't believe in coincidence, most of the time). I called her, we made plans, and had the most fantastic adventures.

Billy Joel at the Coliseum. Venice by accident. Skinny dipping in the Adriatic Sea.

I am so lucky to have these memories, to have had these opportunities. I hope that I have learned from those experiences. I hope I have more joy to share because of them.

Ah yes! So, New York City. I have always wondered what it would be like to live in a city like that. There are so very many people! I admire those of you that live there. I imagine it takes confidence, and spunk. I don't think I would ever sleep, because of all the excitement.

We went to a piano bar where the bartender sang harmonies while fixing martinis. Then, around 1AM we wandered over to to a bar on the top of a fancy hotel. It was like standing on a cloud. A 3AM bedtime feels early in New York!

Most of all I love to watch the people in New York. There are so many faces to wonder about! Where are you from, why are you here, what are you doing up so late?

Over eggs and bacon,
We talk about the world
How our time is slowly slipping by.
Next to us a woman sips her coffee and smiles,
Friend, please tell me what you know.

Finally, oh finally
We're at the riverside
In a place where I can feel at peace and ease
The shadows of tall buildings are laughing at me now
Love yourself,
That's all you need to know.

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