Monday, October 22, 2012

El Punto de mi Lengua

Sometimes I do not think we realize the impact we have on each other. How sensitive we are. How much we long for a sense of belonging. How one person's words can change our day, or week.

Our Spanish is getting better. I have to laugh whenever Chris opens his mouth and says a word in Spanish that I don't know. It is a strange, wonderful and frustrating process, learning a language. I do feel however that maybe the hardest part is over.

There is an initial fear that comes with speaking a new language, being in a new country. Not understanding the world around you is a scary feeling. Certainly, you can communicate a lot with signs and the few words you know, but it can be hard and lonely. It takes an openness to being young again, I think. Like a child, not understanding much and asking a lot of questions.

Ugh it is so frustrating at times I want to give up and go home. Especially when a larger group is talking, with a lot of slang. It sounds like nonsense. I do think we only have so much capacity, and then our brains need a break.

But, we are at a point now where we understand the majority of what is being said to us, and can respond. Granted, our grammar is bad and we are lacking a lot of vocab. But, we are on our way. 

It is a strange feeling. I can listen to a person speak in Spanish, and it is as if my brain knows but I still do not know. I could not repeat exactly what they said, nor could I define all the words. But I know the meaning, more or less.

When a 7 year old kid at the skateboard park corrects your grammar and teaches you new words, you know you are in a humble place. A good place, too!

You have to laugh at yourself. My favorite errors recently:
-"Yo quiero guacala" - I want gross. I meant to say cuahada which is a type of cheese.
-"Vamos a decir adios a espana" - We are going to say goodbye to Spain. 
-Chris - "Ok class, vamos a hacer ejercitos". We are going to make soldiers. The response from the class: FMLN! FMLN!

What an adventure. It is such a good feeling to be able to converse now, to feel like we are truly able to build relationships here in Suchi. With mixed up, funny grammar, but the people here are nice to us just the same.

"Learn a new language, speak a new world."


  1. Ahhhh! Estoy de acuerdo with the language stuff. Been there, done that... But it'll get better and harder at the same time. Ummm also, I'm obsessed with these pictures. Especially the surprise one of Arturo and I dancing! Oh and also the one at El Necio with the Taca guy would wanted to continue buying us drinks... Good times!

  2. Such a wonderful thing to be forced to act as a child again. If we could all enjoy such freedom I think this would be a better world

  3. I learned a lot of French by sitting in the internet cafes in Paris and listening to the boys playing online computer games with each other. Then again, the words I learned were not appropriate for polite conversation. :)
    Love ya!
