Saturday, August 25, 2012


We have been in Suchitoto, El Salvador for 4 days now. It is a beautiful little town, with cobblestone streets and a certain charm to it.

When you pass someone on the street, it is important to make eye contact with them and say "buenos dias" or "buenos tardes". Every time it makes me smile - this greeting is a true acknowledgement of our presence here.

Todd, our coordinator left on Thursday morning. It was difficult to say goodbye to him - there was a certain permenance in it. We are here for 2 years, no turning back now.

It is easy to feel lonely, in a new place where we do not know the language very well. I am grateful for Chris, and I think he is grateful for me. One of our challenges will be that it is easy to cling to each other and speak English - when we need to speak Spanish.

Today we went to a meeting at Centro Arte para la Paz, our organization for the next 2 years. It is amazingly progressive. We sat in the meeting for 3 hours and listened to incredibly bright El Salvadorans share their ideas and hopes for the center. They want to have more advanced classes in the arts, and perhaps scholarships for young people who want to continue their education in art or music.

It is very hard to believe that there was ever a war here. It is such a peaceful place, full of life. Here are a few of the things we have seen so far in Suchi.

"Our first task in approaching
another people
another culture
another religion
is to take off our shoes
for the place we are approaching is holy
Else we may find ourselves
treading on another's dream.
More serious still
we may forget that God was there
before our arrival"

-Max Warren


  1. Wow! The pictures are so pretty. Thanks for sharing your adventure! Please tell Chris I said hello and that Ali was just saying how much she misses him and hopes to visit the both of you soon :) Good luck with everything you both are doing. I think it is wonderful and look forward to your future posts.


  2. I'm loving the posts and pictures! So glad you've been able to share regularly so far.

  3. What a Beautiful Place. You and Chris are truly blessed

  4. WOW! So pretty! What an amazing part of the world you are getting to explore. I LOVE the photograph you posted of the mountains with the water in the foreground :). Really enjoying your blog.
