Wednesday, February 20, 2013


The morning I turned 28, I taught an english conversation class. The young adults in the class talked about tricks they have played on their neighbors, and we laughed. 

After the class I walked down the cobblestone road to our house made of adobe. We ate lunch and I relaxed in the most comfortable hammock. I read more of the Game of Thrones (I am on book 4) and took in the beautiful view of the lake below. 

The afternoon I turned 28, I taught a photography class to four children curious about the world around them. We walked around the local park, taking pictures and looking through a different lens. After work I met a few co-workers for coffee and pan dulce (sweet bread). I was touched by the gifts I received from strangers who have become friends.

I returned to our home and enjoyed pupusas with Chris and our roommates Noel and Elba. Then the party guests began to arrive, including four 10 year old girls from our neighborhood. From bubbles, to cake, to the fire pit, they were the life of the party. Later we walked with some of the partygoers to the bar "El Necio" (the fool). We enjoyed a cold Pilsener surrounded by friends and pictures of revolutionaries.

Tomorrow February 21, Chris and I will have been here in El Salvador 6 months! 

When I first arrived in El Salvador, I was afraid. Our life was so wonderful in Minneapolis, with dear friends, half a house we loved, jobs that were fulfilling and paid us well. I was afraid we would not fit, that we would not find happiness here. 

Now I know that happiness is something that can you take with you wherever you go. It may remain dormant for a while, but with the help of community and self-care, it always shows its face again. I have started adapting to the slower pace, and have a better grasp of the language. I am building relationships, and bettering my relationship with myself. I am finding my joy again. I feel I have a place here in Suchitoto, and that the people in this community have a place in my heart.

De vez en cuando conviene dejar de buscar la felicidad,
y dedicarse simplemente a ser feliz.
Now and then its good to pause in our pursuit of happiness,
and just be happy.

Guillaume Apollinaire

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