Monday, February 18, 2013

El Bus

Occasionally we like to visit San Salvador. It is a dirty, busy city. Some parts are unsafe, the other parts are shopping malls and fast food restaurants (or so it seems!) 

There is a surprising difference between rich and poor in El Salvador, and it is visible in the capital. It seems that lighter skinned El Salvadorans, in general, are more financially successful. 

Since there is a great lack of jobs, El Salvadorans have to get creative! There are always vendors passing through the buses, selling things. They are like characters from a wonderful book that has yet to be written. 

Here are a few of them:

The Marijuana Medicine Man:
With a great booming voice, the medicine man explains that this salve will heal all of your ailments. He passes it around for people to smell - I'm pretty sure it's menthol. At only $1.00, many people buy this to cure their ailments.

Anti-Parasites/Diarrhea Gone:
I swear his speech is 15 minutes. Reminding you of all the times your stomach has turned against you, he explains that with this pill once a day, your intestines will be as good as new!

Come to Jesus
With Bible in hand, he preaches the good word. No money required, this sermon is free!

The Singer with the Shaker
Many children have to work in El Salvador. On every bus there is at least one child singer with a tin can shaker. He is usually singing something religious, and probably makes $5 per bus. Sometimes they have good voices, sometimes they don't. But it always makes me sad.

The Random Stuff That You Never Needed
Bracelets. Cheesy valentine's cards. Wallets. Buttons. You name it, they sell it. Their strategy? Set on on the lap of every person on the bus, then make their loud speech about the greatness of their product. If you don't want to buy it, you've gotta return it.

Fruit and Nuts
Papaya, papaya, le damos papaya!

Not to mention the brightly colored paint, signs about Jesus and sin, and loud Latin any rate, it's always a great adventure. 

"Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced - 
even a proverb is not a proverb till your life has illustrated it."
-John Keats

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